Spaniard boxer Kiko Martinez stunned British Kid Galahad during the IBF Featherweight title bout. The fight lasted till the sixth round and just a few seconds into this round, Martinez brought out a powerful punch to seal the deal. Galahad had dominated Kiko in the prior rounds and looked well on his way to defend the title but a knockout punch out of nowhere by Kiko stunned him.
Eddie Hearn, Promoter
I can't believe what I've just seen. It was the most stunning thing I've ever seen in a boxing ring. It was such a one-sided fight. It was beat-down, a masterclass. One punch changes everything. Kiko Martinez has been fighting at the top for 15 years. I knew he would not stop trying. He was completely outclassed by Galahad. Wow. That was a brutal right-hand finish.