On the night of December 2, Valve released a winter update for Dota Plus. Users are waiting for new quests and rewards and a new treasure, which can be purchased for shards. The game has a new musical set in the style of heavy metal from the band Humanity's Last Breath. At the same time, the developers announced a winter Battle Pass, which will be released by the end of 2021. What will be released in the winter update for Dota Plus, and how good is the new treasure you will find in the Cybersport.Metaratings.ru materials.
The days are getting shorter, and the wind is getting colder, but the battle on the lines doesn't stop - which means it's time for another seasonal Dota Plus update to help you survive the snowy nights.
The days are getting shorter, and the wind is getting colder, but the battle on the lines doesn't stop - which means it's time for another seasonal Dota Plus update to help you survive the snowy nights.

Basic updates
The update adds a new seasonal treasure, updated quests and guild rewards, and a heavy metal music set that will leave no trace of winter melancholy. A new set of Void music written by Humanity's Last Breath can be purchased for 4,87 US dollars in the in-game store. It sounds very upbeat and is great for epic fights. It costs, of course, quite a lot, but if you have extra money, then the music kit is worth buying. It's always much more atmospheric to play with.
Seasonal tasks for Dota Plus
Today's update brings a new set of seasonal quests for Dota Plus so that you can earn as many shards as possible for treasure chests and relics. A total of 115,200 shards can be earned for all quests. Reward rewards have been added for silver, gold, and platinum guild grades.
You will get smiles invoker_dry, luna_rage, manta for guild silver level. You will get graffiti Spirit Breaker Choo Choo, Lion Laugh, Undying RIP for guild gold level. For guild platinum level, you will get sounds like «Absolutely Perfect,» «Как же это сочно, ах!» and «漂~ 亮.».
Contents of the treasure
The seasonal winter treasure can be purchased for shards. It's only available to Dota Plus subscribers and contains new sets for Spirit Breaker, Chaos Knight, Riki, Treant Protector, Arc Warden, Undying, and Lina. With each open treasure chamber, you have a chance to get a very rare Bionic Birdie courier, which has two gems at once: colorful and kinetic. Let's look at each of the new sets and try to assess how good each one is.
Bet on Dota Plus with 1xBetSpirit Breaker

The set on Spirit Breaker is one of the worst in this treasure. At first glance, it's not even clear what exactly this set changes. You'll notice that Spirit Breaker now has light brown armor covering his shoulders, back, and horns if you look closer. It looks pretty ordinary. Especially since there are no other changes. Spirit Breaker looks even worse with this set than without the set at all. 1/10.
Chaos Knight

Chaos Knight is not that far behind Spirit Breaker. However, he looks at least adequate in the new set. At least there is no desire to remove all the clothes from the character. At the same time, as a concept set, Chaos Knight looks pretty bad. The hero himself has a new sword, helmet, and shoulder pads, which, to be honest, do not differ from the original. But, the horse of Chaos Knight looks cool. The armor appeared in the form of a hood and a black battle helmet. It looks good, but it's still far from "good." 4/10.

Riki with the new set looks unusual but not cool. He's wearing a respirator, spiked shoulder pads, and a blue cap with goggles, and the hero is given a serpentine hook as a weapon. It all kind of doesn't fit together and looks pretty silly. Although fans of Riki might like it. 2/10.
Bet on Dota Plus with 1xBetTreant Protector

The Treant Protector is probably the best set of the new treasury. It looks cool. It's as if an ordinary Treant Protector has been turned into an Ent from Lord of the Rings. The hero looks more brutal and intimidating. His arms and shoulders got much bigger, with big and long spikes on them. Treant Protector's giant hands look especially cool, and the worm in his mouth gives the hero a colorful look. This set isn't bad either, especially compared to the other sets in the new treasure chamber. 8/10.
Arc Warden

The new Arc Warden set is similar to the Riki set. He also has a respirator on his face. But Arc Warden is much more suited for this look. In addition, this set adds a red cloak with a hood and gold shoulder pads. All of these items together make a pleasant eye-catching look. The set looks pretty good. 5/10.

Unfortunately, the Undying set can't be praised in any way. They just put a helmet with two horns and many green jewels on the hero and added some red rags as clothes. The idea is cool, but it's very poorly implemented. There is no willingness to choose him to play with such a set on Undying. 3/10.
Bet on Dota Plus with 1xBetLina

Lina's set was also just awful. They tried to make it stylish with a claim to Asian flavor, but it turned out to be too boring. There is no single detail in the whole set that catches the eye. Again, a cool idea from the designers, but poor implementation. 3/10.
Bionic Birdie

The most valuable item in the new treasure chamber is a courier called Bionic Birdie. He looks like a purple bird with blue eyes and a hat with earflaps on his head. At the same time, he carries objects in his big mouth beak. Courier looks not interesting at all. There are many more beautiful and unusual couriers in the game. There is nothing special about this one. 2/10.
Combat Pass Announcement
Before the end of the year, a Dota 2 battle pass will be released. It will appear in the coming weeks and be packed with "holiday cheer and rewards." The developers didn't say anything more specific than that. We'll have to wait and see what they could come up with for the New Year's Eve Combat Pass.
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